“IPWEA is renowned for promoting best practice, producing industry leading publications and providing support training. It’s our practical approach that is valued so highly by Councils, Government and the private sector. AUS-SPEC was developed by IPWEA Australasia to provide nationally consistent civil specifcations for councils – instead of them reinventing the wheel. AUS-SPEC provides a library of civil design, construction and maintenance templates and allows the flexibility to edit and add Council specific and project specific information. It means that everyone involved in design, construction and maintenance of Council assets are using the same language.”

David Jenkins, CEO Australasia

AUS-SPEC Rural Roads

The new AUS-SPEC Rural roads package equips councils to implement better practices for the design, construction, maintenance and operation of local roads. Across the asset lifecycle, the package covers documentation for planning, design, tendering, contract preliminaries, construction, maintenance and operation of regional and rural roads.

Local councils manage approximately 80% of Australia’s total road network, comprising a mix of both unsealed and sealed roads. Roads in regional and rural areas provide a vital link between local communities and the major road networks. The design, construction and maintenance of these roads are generally implemented using traditional materials and practices, without any real scientific methodology.

AUS-SPEC, a joint venture between IPWEA and NATSPEC, released the new AUS-SPEC Rural roads package in October 2018, responding to challenges faced by regional, rural and remote councils. The national local government specification system, AUS-SPEC, has now been used by local councils since 1997. This new package is part of an ongoing investment by AUS-SPEC to support rural councils manage their largest asset, roads.

AUS-SPEC national documents have been specifically written for local government. Rural and remote councils will find the new AUS-SPEC Rural roads package useful to:

  • Easily document the design, construction and maintenance of their road network using SPECbuilder, specification compiler.
  • Assist councils in bridging the gap where there is lack of in-house engineering capability to efficiently deliver road assets using the new reference documents.
  • Significantly improve the structural integrity, safety and performance of sealed and unsealed roads and will assist councils to effectively serve their communities.

Enhanced technical skills are required to understand that sealed and unsealed local roads are dynamic systems with traffic, environment, road profile and material characteristics influencing their performance. Material blending can be used to reduce defects on the weather exposed unsealed wearing courses. Material and techniques for the placement of material are the only elements that can be controlled and improved.

AUS-SPEC has identified ways Councils can extend the life of constructed assets. These life extension methods are documented in the AUS-SPEC worksections and other new reference documents.

$1380 + GST

Intended use

Project types
Planning, design, construction and maintenance of local government assets in rural areas including:

Size and complexity
Simple and less complex

Typical users
Engineering Services, Environmental Services, Asset and Maintenance Managers


Worksections included in Rural Roads

0010 Quality requirements for design
This worksection Template is a framework for the development of request for tender documents based on AUS SPEC worksections. It includes a cover page and sets out the documents required for Part A Tender information and Part B Contract documentation volumes.

0012 Waterfront development
This worksection Template is applicable to the design of waterfront development structures such as marinas, wharfs, jetties, boat tramps and seawalls and the design of artificial waterways.

0013 Bushfire protection (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to the design of bushfire protection facilities.

0021 Site regrading
This worksection Template is applicable to site regrading for both Council works and land development and subdivision approved by Council.

0022 Control of erosion and sedimentation (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to the design and documentation requirements of control measures for mitigating the effects of erosion and sedimentation from construction activities and stormwater run-off, as required for the development erosion and/or sediment risk level. It includes both temporary and permanent control measures.

0041 Geometric road layout
This worksection Template is applicable to the geometric layout design of minor roadworks, using principles of street design to ensure safety, improved amenity and to reduce pedestrian/vehicular conflicts. This worksection applies to minor roads within the domain of urban and regional Councils. For major highways, refer to the relevant State Roads Authority. State and Territory requirements must be included for certain Austroads requirements.

0042 Pavement design
This worksection Template contains procedures for the design of the following forms of pavement construction:

Flexible pavements consisting of unbound granular materials.
Flexible pavements that contain one or more bound layers, including pavements containing asphalt layers other than thin asphalt wearing surfaces.
Rigid pavements (i.e. cement concrete pavements).
Concrete or clay segmental pavements.

0043 Subsurface drainage (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to the design and documentation of subsurface drainage.

0044 Pathways and cycleways (Design)
This worksection sets Template out requirements to be used in the design of various types of cycleways and pathways.

0051 Geometric rural road design – sealed
This worksection Template is applicable to the geometric design of minor roadworks, for safety, improved amenity and to reduce pedestrian/vehicular conflicts. It applies to minor roads within the domain of urban and regional Councils. For major roads and highways, refer to the relevant State Road Authority. Specific State and Territory requirements must be included in addition to Austroads requirements.

0052 Geometric rural road design – unsealed
This worksection Template is applicable to design and documentation requirements for geometric road design of unsealed roads for safety, road alignment and operating speed for estimated traffic.

0053 Rural pavement design – sealed
This worksection Template is applicable to the design and documentation for new road pavements and rehabilitation of existing pavements. It includes procedures for designing the following type of pavements flexible pavements of unbound granular materials, flexible pavements of one or more bound layers, including pavements containing asphalt layers other than thin asphalt wearing surfaces and rigid pavements (i.e. cement concrete pavements) and segmental concrete or clay paving with base and subbase.

0054 Rural pavement design – unsealed
This worksection Template is applicable to the design and documentation for new road pavements and rehabilitation of existing unsealed pavements. It includes procedures for designing the following type of pavements flexible pavements of unbound granular materials and unsealed pavements.

0061 Bridges and related structures
This worksection Template is applicable to the design of the following structures:

Road traffic bridges.
Pedestrian bridges including bicycle and wheelchair access.
Structures other than bridges associated with road construction e.g. culverts, retaining structures, sign supporting structures and noise barriers.
Detention basins.
Structures providing public safety e.g. safety barriers, safety rails, protection screens and street lighting poles.
Temporary works.

0071 Water supply – reticulation (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to procedures for the design of a drinking and non-drinking water reticulation system up to and including DN 600 mm, either as a stand-alone project or as part of a development in regional Councils. This worksection is aligned to the Water Services Association of Australia WSA 03 Water Supply Code and is applicable for providing new water supply or upgrading an existing water supply system.

0072 Water supply – pump stations (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to design considerations for in-line pressure booster pump stations for use with drinking and non-drinking water reticulation systems generally up to and including DN 375. It is not intended for the design of Transfer, Distribution or Source water supply pump stations.

0074 Stormwater drainage (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to the design of stormwater drainage systems for urban and regional areas. It covers hydrology and hydraulic design for a total stormwater drainage design and includes Water Sensitive Urban Design principles of stormwater harvesting and re-use. It is intended to be used with Council’s ownHandbook for drainage design criteria. This worksection assumes that the Councils maintain a Handbook which is provided to the design consultant to inform the design.

0076 Sewerage systems – reticulation (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to the design of a sewerage system either as a stand-alone project or part of a development in regional Councils.

0077 Sewerage systems – pump stations (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to the design of pump stations, usually limited to single wells with submersible pumps. The worksection provides for the design of the pumps for a sewerage system which is either a stand-alone project or part of a regional Council development.

0121 Tendering
This worksection Template reflects the principles of the main Australian codes of practice, including AS 4120 which is cited in a number of state government’s codes of practice. The worksection assumes head-contract tendering. It is applicable to non-contractual material and so does not form part of the contract documents.

0122 Information for tenderers (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to an introductory document to enable prospective Tenderers to determine whether the scope and type of works in the proposed Contract is within their capability. It is a separate document to, but aligned with, 0123 Conditions of tendering.

0123 Conditions of tendering (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to conditions of tendering including contract information, tender submission requirements, tender evaluation and selection criteria. It assumes traditional paper-based tendering methods but this worksection can be adapted to suit digital distribution and eTendering (electronic tendering system). If using eTendering, consult with the administrators of the system about the standard forms provided as part of the system and about amending these to suit your requirements. The worksection should align with 0122 Information for tenderers, a separate, introductory document for prospective Tenderers. This worksection does not form part of the contract documents.

0124 Tender submission documents (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the returnable forms and schedules nominated by the Principal for completion by the Contractor for inclusion in the Tender submission. The completed worksection forms VOLUME 4 -Tender Submission Documents of the request for tender (RFT). It assumes traditional paper-based tendering methods but this worksection can be adapted to suit digital distribution and eTendering (electronic tendering system). If using eTendering, consult with the administrators of the system about the standard forms provided as part of the system and about amending these to suit your requirements.

0125 Standard contract checklists (AUS-SPEC)
The following worksection applies to standard contracts and provides checklist for contract compilation, tender preparation, receipt of tenders and tender assessment.

0126 Period supply and service checklists (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection applies to period supply and service contracts and provides a checklist for commissioning of documentation, determination of technical requirements, document finalisation approval and the tender advertisement template.

0134 General requirements (Supply) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the general requirements for a supply contract and includes the supply of labour, materials and plant to carry out the works. This worksection can be used for minor construction works. For major construction works use 0136 General requirements (Construction).

0135 General requirements (Service) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the general requirements for a supply and service contract. The work under this contract comprises of supply of labour, materials and equipment necessary to carry out the services specified. It can be used for a single contract for provision of general goods and services over a period of time.

0136 General requirements (Construction) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the site requirements of the Principal for construction projects. It includes a project description, work not in the contract, site investigations, signage, survey control, environmental planning, noise and vibration controls, utilities and authorities and site facilities.

0147 Conditions of Contract (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the General conditions of contract, Annexures to the contract and Special conditions of contract. The completed worksection forms VOLUME 1-Conditions of contract. This worksection is based on AS 2124 General conditions of contract. Amend this document for use with other general conditions of contract, special conditions, OH & S and environmental requirements. See NATSPEC disclaimer on the use of this worksection for this and other contracts.

0152r Schedule of rates (Construction)
This worksection consists of descriptions of quantities required for a schedule of rates for a construction project in a rural council. The quantities shown are estimated quantities only and are not to be taken as correct quantities of work to be carried out or paid for under the various items of work.

0153 Schedules – Period supply and service
This worksection Template is applicable to the schedule of rates requirements for tenderers for period supply and service (Supply and Deliver) contracts.

0161 Quality management (Construction) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template applies to the selection and implementation of a project Quality Management System based on AS/NZS ISO 9001. It includes the submission of a Quality Plan from a contractor having an approved Quality Manual.

0162 Quality (Supply) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the quality requirements for delivery documentation of a quality assured product where the Producer has third party certification of an implemented quality system conforming to AS/NZS ISO 9001.

0163 Quality (Delivery) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the quality requirements for delivery of products for acceptance by the Principal in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 9001.

0167 Integrated management (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the documentation and operation of a system that collects the operating procedures of Quality requirements, Environmental requirements and Work Health and Safety into a single integrated management system.

0173 Environmental management (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the environmental management of civil works and includes environmental controls for erosion and sedimentation, flora and fauna, groundwater, indigenous and non-indigenous heritage, traffic, water quality, air quality, waste and weeds. It provides for documentation of requirements for control plans prepared by the contractor. It provides for documenting an environmental management plan, if required, and/or the requirements for environmental management either in contractor prepared control plans or principal/consultant control measures.

0257 Landscape – road reserves and street trees
This worksection Template includes soft landscaping works and is applicable to:

  • The vegetation of cut and fill batters, pathway verges, median areas and open drains.
  • Surface preparation, topsoiling, fertilising, and turfing or sowing of seed and may include surface protection works, hydroseeding, hydromulching and straw mulching.

The supply of plants, planting, fertilising, mulching, staking, watering and maintenance of plants including street trees.

0281 Fire access and fire trails (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of perimeter tracks for bushfire protection in rural and urban developments for Crown or private land. It addresses requirements for constructing and maintaining tracks in a way that minimises soil erosion and ensures reliable access under bushfire conditions.

0282 Pathways and cycleways (Construction) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to construction of pavements for pathways and cycleways. It includes requirements for subgrade preparation and construction of subbase and base for concrete and asphalt pavements.

0292 Masonry walls (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to laying of concrete, brick or stone masonry units for construction of retaining walls and free-standing walls such as noise attenuation, dwarf and feature walls for landscaping or similar structures.

0293 Crib retaining walls (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of proprietary timber crib and precast concrete crib retaining walls. This may involve the design and construction of structures required to retain and reinforce soil, rock and other materials. It consists of the excavation for foundations, construction of reinforced concrete footing, precast concrete or treated timber crib wall, selected backfill in and behind the crib wall, and subsurface drainage to the wall, as documented.

0294 Gabion walls and rock filled mattresses (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of gabion walls and rock filled mattresses for retaining and reinforcing soil, rock and other materials. This may involve the design. It includes excavation for foundations, subsurface drainage, backfilling behind the gabion wall, materials, assembly, erection and filling.

0319 Auxiliary concrete works (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply and placement of concrete, including sprayed concrete for concrete works of an auxiliary/supplementary nature to the primary works taking place. It includes ancillary requirements such as ground preparation, formwork and reinforcement. Auxiliary concrete works include drainage pits and other ancillary drainage structures, headwalls, wingwalls, in-situ box culverts, box culvert base slabs, retaining walls, footings, concrete safety barriers and works of a similar nature.

1101 Traffic management
This worksection Template is applicable to the management of temporary traffic movement for safe negotiation of work sites on roads and adjacent to roadways. It includes:

  • The design, construction, maintenance and removal of temporary roadways including side tracks, divided road crossovers and detours. This may include control of erosion and sedimentation, clearing and grubbing, earthworks and drainage works.
  • The provision of traffic controllers, signposting, road markings, raised pavement markers, lights and safety barriers.

1102 Control of erosion and sedimentation (Construction)
This worksection Template is applicable to the control of erosion and sedimentation in conformance with an approved Erosion and sediment control plan (ESCP). It provides for either documentation of requirements for control plans prepared by the contractor or documentation of control measures by principal/consultant. It includes both temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control measures.

1111 Clearing and grubbing
This worksection Template is applicable to the clearing, grubbing and removal of all vegetation, logs, stumps, boulders, roots, scrub, debris and dumped material to allow site works for roadway construction. Demolition and disposal of any minor man-made structures (such as fences and livestock yards). Removal of all rubbish and other materials that are unsuitable for use in the works.

1112 Earthworks (Road reserve)
This worksection Template is applicable to the excavation of cuttings, construction of embankments, including site regrading, borrow activities and selected material zone.

1113 Stabilisation
This worksection Template is applicable to materials and processes for stabilisation of subgrade and pavement courses.

1121 Open drains
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction, lining and protection of all types of open drains, including unlined and lined open drains.

1122 Kerb and channel (gutters)
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of new kerbs and channels (gutters) and associated works including foundations for components, adjustment/replacement of gully pits and reinstatement of pavement and driveways, as documented. It also includes the removal and disposal of existing kerbs and channels (gutters).

1130 Rural concrete base
This worksection Template includes the construction, by mechanical or hand placement, of plain reinforced concrete base, including, slab anchors and terminal slabs. The work also includes the construction of reinforced concrete approach slabs at bridge abutments. The construction of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) base and minor SFRC works for pavements including mixing, transportation, placing, finishing and curing and slab anchors. It does not apply to large scale highway works.

1132 Lean mix concrete subbase
This worksection Template is applicable to construction of mass concrete subbase including trial sections and subgrade beams to the dimensions and levels shown on the Drawings and in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.

1140 Wearing course, base and subbase – unsealed
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply, spreading, compaction and trimming of flexible base, subbase and wearing courses of pavements for local unsealed roads (light to medium traffic levels).

1141 Flexible pavement base and subbase
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply, spreading, compaction and trimming of base and subbase courses of flexible (unbound) and semi-rigid (bound) pavements.

1142 Cold mix asphalt
This worksection Template is applicable to the design, production and delivery of cold mix asphalt including supply of materials, sampling, testing and all other operations to provide a dense graded and open graded cold mix.

1143 Sprayed bituminous surfacing
This worksection Template was prepared by the Australian Asphalt Pavement Association (AAPA) in conjunction with the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (IPWEA) and Standards Australia. The aim of the worksection is to promote national uniformity and good practice in the specification and use of sprayed seals.

1144 Asphalt (Roadways)
This worksection Template is applicable to hot mixed, dense graded, open graded, stone mastic, fine gap graded, ultra-thin asphalt and light traffic asphalt for roadways and other pavement related applications. It includes the following:

  • Asphalt constituent materials.
  • Asphalt mix design.
  • Process control in manufacture and placement of asphalt.
  • Acceptance criteria for asphalt.
  • Quality systems, minimum process standards, plant and sampling and testing frequencies.

1145 Segmental paving
This worksection Template covers the construction of both clay and concrete segmental paving for road pavements, medians, traffic islands, driveways, cycleways, footpaths and other pedestrian areas.

1146 Microsurfacing
This worksection Template is applicable to the design, supply, mixing and placement of microsurfacing for surface correction and wearing surface applications on road pavements, carparks, cycleways and footpaths.

1147 Sprayed preservation surfacing
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply of materials and application of spray applied preservation treatments to preserve, protect and prolong the life of existing wearing pavement surfaces.

1148 Cold milling of asphalt and base course
This worksection Template is applicable to the removal of asphalt and base course by cold milling to a specified depth, the hauling of the material to stockpiles and disposal areas and the sweeping of pavement.

1151 Road openings and restoration
This worksection Template is applicable to road openings and restoration works associated with installation of Council and/or public utility services, for contracts let by local authorities.

1152 Road openings and restorations (Utilities)
This worksection Template is applicable to road openings and restoration works for the installation of underground utility services within public road reserves or reserves under the control of local government authorities. It is applicable for contracts let by a public Utilities Authority and is consistent with the objectives of the Streets Opening Coordination Council Guide to codes and practices for streets opening and the Model Agreement for Local Councils and Utility/Service Providers prepared by the NSW Streets Opening Conference.

1161 In situ pavement stabilisation using cementitious binders
This worksection Template is applicable to materials and processes for stabilisation of pavement courses for local roads using in situ cementitious binders including cement, quicklime, hydrated lime, fly ash, slag and cementitious blends. 

1162 In situ pavement stabilisation using bituminous binders
This worksection Template is applicable to materials and processes for stabilisation of new and existing pavement courses for local roads using bituminous binders (e.g. bitumen emulsion and foamed bitumen) with supplementary binders such as cement, quicklime, hydrated lime, fly ash, slag or cementitious blends. 

1163 Ex situ pavement stabilisation
The worksection Template is applicable to materials and processes for stabilisation of new and existing pavement courses using a stationary mixing plant for blending materials with bituminous binders and supplementary binders such as cement, quicklime, hydrated lime, fly ash, slag or cementitious blends.

1164 In situ pavement stabilisation of unsealed roads
This worksection Template is applicable to materials and processes for stabilisation of subgrade and pavement courses for new and existing unsealed roads. Stabilisation binders include cement, quicklime, hydrated lime, fly ash, cementitious blends, granular materials and dry powdered polymer. 

1171 Subsurface drainage
This worksection Template is applicable to provision of subsurface drainage system for roadworks including establishment, supply, placement, recording and marking on ground.

1172 Subsoil and formation drains
This worksection Template is applicable to drainage of ground water, seepage, springs and wet areas in subsoil and formations associated with roadworks and covers order of construction, excavation of trenches, backfilling and pavement interface drains.

1173 Pavement drains
This worksection Template is applicable to sub-pavement drains, intra-pavement drains and edge drains for pavement layers, and covers order of construction, excavation, pipework, backfilling as well as outlet structures associated with roadworks.

1174 Drainage blankets
This worksection Template is applicable to the installation of drainage blankets to intercept or collect subsurface water impacting the construction of roadways.

1191 Pavement markings
This worksection Template is applicable to pavement markings comprising setting out, supply and application of pavement marking paint, thermoplastic pavement marking material, pavement marking tape and raised pavement markers.

1192 Signposting
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply and erection of signs for roadways.

1193 Guide posts
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply of all materials and the erection of guide posts and delineators.

1194 Non-rigid road safety barrier systems
This worksection Template is applicable to supply and erection of non-rigid road safety barriers.

1195 Rigid road safety barrier systems
This worksection Template is applicable to construction of boundary fences and gates including setting out, clearing of fence line, supply of materials and components, and erection.

1196 Boundary fencing for road reserves
This worksection Template is applicable to construction of boundary fences and gates including setting out, clearing of fence line, supply of materials and components, and erection.

1197 Street and public lighting
This worksection Template is applicable to street lighting and associated electrical installations for the following:

  • Roadway lighting of minor roads.
  • Road traffic bridges.
  • Pedestrian bridges (including bicycle and wheelchair access), pedestrian pathways and cycleways.
  • Public spaces including parks and carparks.

It is suitable for minor roads within the domain of urban and regional councils. For street lighting of major arterial roads or highways, refer to the requirements of the relevant State Roads Authority.

1351 Stormwater drainage (Construction)
This worksection Template is applicable to drainage lines, open drains, kerb and gutter, and drainage structures. it is an umbrella worksection for all other drainage worksections (1352 Pipe drainage, 1353 Precast box culverts, 1354 Drainage structures).

1352 Pipe drainage
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply and installation of pipe and pipe arches for stormwater drainage. it includes precast concrete, reinforced concrete, steel and flexible drainage lines. Read this worksection in conjunction with 1351 Stormwater drainage (Construction) which covers umbrella requirements relating to excavation, bedding and support, compaction and backfilling for stormwater drainage.

1353 Precast box culverts
This worksedtion Template is applicable to the supply and installation of precast concrete box culverts. Read this worksection in conjunction with 1351 Stormwater darinage (Construction) which covers umbrella requirements relating to excavation, bedding and support, compaction and backfilling for stormwater drainage.

1354 Drainage structures
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of drainage structures other than pipes and precast box culverts. These may include headwalls, wingwalls, pits, gully pits, inspection pits, junction boxes/pits, drop structures, inlet and outlet structures, energy dissipators, batter drains and other supplementary structures as shown on the drawings. Read in conjunction with 1351 Stormwater drainage (Construction) which covers umbrella requirements relating to excavation, bedding and support, compaction and backfilling for stormwater drainage, 1352 Pipe drainage, 1353 Precast box culverts and 1121 Open drains, including kerb and channel (gutter), as applicable.

1391 Service conduits
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply of material and the underground installation of electrical, telecommunications and irrigation conduits and pits. This worksection does not include trenching, excavation or backfill which is included in 1152 Road openings and restoration (utilities).

1392 Trenchless conduit installations
This worksection Template is applicable to the method of installation of any type of drainage or service conduit where trenchless techniques are required. Trenchless techniques minimise interference with existing features, facilities or traffic. These techniques may be by either jacking, ramming, bursting, thrust or auger boring, micro-tunnelling, directional drilling or other suitable techniques as appropriate for the particular installation.

1393 CCTV inspection of drainage conduits
This worksection Template is applicable to the CCTV inspection and reporting of stormwater drainage and sewerage conduits for conditional assessment for maintenance and asset management purposes. It can also be used for the acceptance inspection of new assets. It includes requirements for the reporting and inspection of drainage conduits and related maintenance structures by means of CCTV equipment. It is aligned with WSA 05 (2020) Conduit inspection reporting code of Australia. This worksection Template can be adapted for the use of 3D optical scanners, Laser profiling or Sonar profiling equipment.

1411 Street landscaping
This worksection includes the inspection and maintenance of gardens, trees and hurbs in landscaped areas provided in councils’ streets. These landscaped areas are located in roundabouts, islands, threholds, road closures and pedestrian plazas and are scheduled in the network descriptions of the road reserve definition information.

1412 Grass mowing in road reserves
This worksection cover slahing or mowing of roadside, shoulders, verges or median growth and those areas classified by council as grassed areas and included information provided as part of the contract documnets. This activity includes edge trimming where specified including around trees, shrubs, inspection lids, hydrants, posts, poles, under and around seats and tables.

1413 Tree and vegetation control in road reserves
This worksection includes trimming of growth on trees and shrubs and minor lopping on roads and footpaths.

1414 Weed control in road reserves
This worksection covers the spraying of herbicide or related treatment to provide a weed free surface area at the lip and joints of a kerb and gutter, traffic islands around road furniture (e.g guardfence, fences, signs and guidepost) as directed adjacent to culverts, bridge abutments and along boundary fences for which the council is responsible.

1431 Footpath paving repairs
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of concrete and segmental paver footpaths located in parks and recreation areas. It includes paths for shared or sole-use by bicycles. For inspection and conditional assessment of footpaths use IPWEA Practice Note 1 Footpaths and cycleways. The activity includes the removal of any footpath defects which could constitute a safety hazard to park and recreation area users. Litter Collection from footpaths is covered in the 1491 Open space litter collection worksection.

1432 Gravel footpath repairs
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of gravel footpaths located in parks recreation areas. Gravel paths include footpaths and shared or sole use bicycle pathways and include crushed rock, pebbles, sand or compacted gravel surfacing. This activity includes restoration of the surface quality and associated minor work provide for the ongoing functionality of the surface.

1433 Footpath and kerb ramp repairs
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of all footpaths and kerb ramps located adjacent to the carriageway. Carry out inspections and conditional assessment of footpaths in accordance with IPWEA Practice Note 1 and Practice Note 2 for footpaths and kerbs and channels. The activity includes the repair of any damaged kerb ramps and removal of any footpath defects, which could constitute a safety hazard to pedestrians. Control of vegetation on footpaths is covered in the 1413 Tree and vegetation control in road reserves worksection. Litter Collection from footpaths is covered in the 1491 Open space litter collection worksection.

1434 Bushfire perimeter track repairs
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of bushfire perimeter tracks located in the asset protection zone. This activity includes restoration of the surface quality and associated minor works to provide for the ongoing functionality of the surface as defined in the Councils Bushfire risk management plan.

1441 Bituminous surfacing repairs
This worksection covers the repair of pavement surfacing on footpaths, car parks or driveways by several techniques. Surfacing is defined as the wearing course only. The work may utilise hot asphalt or coldmix but shall more typically comprise bitumen emulsion sealing with fine aggregate.

1442 Boat ramps
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of recreational boat ramps located in bays, rivers or lakes, both tidal and non-tidal.


1493 Beach cleaning
This activity includes raking and sieving of beaches by mechanical means and by manual cleaning where areas are not accessible by mechanical cleaning equipment. The activity also includes the disposal of the collected debris either by recycling or legal tipping.

1601 General requirements – road reserve (Maintenance)
This worksection Template is applicable to the general requirements of the Principal for road reserve maintenance contracts. It includes plan requirements, contract period, work by others, traffic management, environmental protection, emergency response, accidents, damage, measurement and payment.

1602 Maintenance schedules – road reserve
This worksection is a spreadsheet and includes 10 worksheets for work cost review, bitumen reseals, seal preservation, proposed construction, road reserve assets, gravel pit testing, gravel resheeting, schedule of rates and samples for plant hire and labour rates.

1603 Road reserve maintenance plan (RMP)
This worksection Template is applicable to the Road reserve Maintenance Plan (RMP) required under 1601 General requirements – road reserve (Maintenance). The RMP is a contract specific document which is confirmation of the understanding and commitment of the Contractor and the Principal on maintenance performance policy, maintenance organisation, Activity Specifications, management procedures and maintenance planning. The RMP also includes sample non-conformance management forms, Damage forms and Contractor Records.

1604 Annexures to road reserve maintenance (RMP)
The following worksection Template is applicable to proformas and sample forms for the management of road reserve maintenance contracts. Use these proformas in conjunction with 1603 Road reserve maintenance plan.

1611 Pavement sweeping
This worksection covers the removal of loose material from the road surface by hand brooming, mechanical rotary brooming, suction brooming, or drag brooming of road surfaces. This includes sweeping at intersections, median kerbs, median openings median islands and within bicycle lanes. The activity also includes the removal of any slippery substance from the road surface.

1612 Auxiliary work for reseals
This worksection covers preparatory, support and post seal operations where the contractor is required to provide resources to assist the resealing contractor appointed by council to provide resealing services. The reseal operation will be programmed by the council and advised to the contractor. This activity is additional to normal routine maintenance undertaken during the course of the contract.

1613 Repairs to bituminous surfacing
This worksection covers the repair of pavement surfacing by several techniques. Surfacing is defined as the wearing course only. The work may utilise hot asphalt or coldmix but shall more typically comprise bitumen emulsion sealing with fine aggregate. The activity is limited to individual treatment areas less then or equal to 500 square metres. Work may also include the spreading of grit on surfaces exhibiting soft and excess amounts of bitumen. The work shall include provision of temporary linemarking where necessary.

1614 Crack sealing
This worksection covers the cleaning and filling of cracks or joints in pavements to make the surface water resistant. This type of work is usually undertaken on concrete, asphalt or bitumen sealed surfaces. It includes temporary reinstatement of line marking where necessary. Crocodile cracking with no deformation or pumping of fines on asphaltic concrete pavements is excluded from this activity except where the distress is very localised and readily treated.

1615 Local shape correction
This worksection covers the local correction of ruts, shoving, depressions, or abnormal crossfall by application of coldmix, asphalt or emulsion and fine aggregate seals. The activity is limited to individual treatment areas less than or equal to 25 square metres. More extensive works will be treated as major works at the principal’s discretion.

1616 Grading unsealed roads
This worksection includes the grading of unsealed road formations including table drains, whether the surfacing comprises imported granular material or the natural subgrade. The activity includes rolling after grading and the inclusion of water if this is deemed necessary.

1617 Resheeting unsealed roads
This worksection covers the provision of imported granular overlay material on unsealed roads and the grading and compaction of this material as a resheet. The activity includes preparatory grading of the formation including table drains.

1618 Heavy patching
This worksection covers the repair of major pavement failures. Major failures comprise areas greater than 25 sqm. Heavy patching is defined independently of the depth of repair. Typically the pavement is deformed and/or cracked due to poor construction or a weak subgrade or pavement layer, often due to water ingress.

1619 Minor patching
This worksection covers the repair of minor pavement failures. Minor failures comprise areas greater than 1.0 m ² and less than 25 m ². Minor patching is defined independently of the depth of repair. Typically, the pavement is deformed and/or cracked due to poor construction or a weak subgrade or pavement layer, often associated with water ingress.

1620 Pothole repair
This worksection covers the reinstatement of sealed surface faults using either base course granular material or bituminous materials. Surface faults under this category are less than or equal to 1 m2 and will require infill material to reinstate the sealed or asphalt surface rather than just a surface dressing.

1621 Concrete pavement repairs
This worksection covers the repair of concrete pavements, with or without an asphalt overlay, which have failed due to poor construction or a weak subgrade, often due to water ingress. The activity also includes permanent restoration of service openings.

1622 Concrete slab stabilisation
This worksection covers the stabilisation of concrete road slabs that have tilted, have become loose, and have scoured underneath such that voids have formed where the slab foundation has been eroded. The work involves replacing the foundation with cementitious grout or other approved grout pumped under pressure to re-stabilise the slab.

1623 Emergency pavement repairs
This worksection covers short notice pavement repairs required for safety reasons. The work may be temporary if circumstances require. The use of this code is reserved for emergencies that involve damage to the pavement e.g. major pothole, collapsed culvert, burst water main, slippery surfacing or flushing surfacing.

1631 Edge break repair
This worksection covers the repair of broken edges of seal or asphalt surfaced pavements. The repair aims to restore the line and level of the original surfacing.

1632 Grading unsealed shoulders
This worksection covers the grading of unsealed shoulders including table drains. The activity includes rolling after grading and the inclusion of water if this is deemed necessary.

1633 Resheeting unsealed shoulders
This worksection covers the provision of imported granular overlay material on unsealed shoulders and the grading and compaction of this material as a resheet. The activity includes preparatory grading of the shoulder and table drains.

1634 Local scour repair
This worksection covers the repair of scouring on batters, shoulders and drains and/or scouring adjacent to inlets or outlets to drainage structures draining the road area. The work includes action to reinstate the area affected and to prevent re-occurrence of the scour. This activity is limited to local scour distress which is deemed to comprise a maximum volume of effected material less than 10 cubic metres within a length of 100 m on any one drainage path.

1641 Kerb and channel (gutter) repairs
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of all kerb and gutters located adjacent to the carriageway. The activity includes the repair of any damaged kerb and guttering which could constitute a safety hazard to road users and pedestrians.

1642 Traffic islands
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of all concrete kerbed islands located on the carriageway and including those with hard or paved infill areas. The activity includes the repair of any damaged kerbing and the removal of any defects which could constitute a safety hazard to road users and pedestrians.

1651 Clear road reserve subsoil drains
This worksection covers maintenance of subsoil drains. These are often located behind kerbs, within pipe trenches or other locations marked on road plans. It will be required to record inspections and locations of outlets. Clearing will include removal of restrictions, clearing headwalls, flushing out and/or rodding.

1652 Clear road reserve open drains
This worksection covers all unlined open drains, catch drains, spoon drains, table drains and waterways that contribute to the structural integrity of the roadway. Low flow channels, table drains and catch drains, if grassed are to be mowed during the mowing program. Table drains are to be graded as required to remove obstructions. Watercourses may require maintenance to remove or control silt or scour.

1671 Road reserve boundary fence repairs
This worksection covers the inspection of all fence and access points on the road reserve network. it includes monitoring possible future problems i.e. intrusion by extended tree or shrub growth and also monitoring of locations that are regularly damaged on a more frequent basis, such as school location etc.

1672 Road reserve fences and handrails
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance, including painting, of median and pedestrian fences and handrails to ensure that the fences and handrails continue to provide the function for which they were installed. It includes the fences at pedestrian crossings and at school crossings.

1673 Street seats and bus shelters
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of street seats and bus shelters to ensure that they continue to provide the function for which they were installed.

1674 Carriageway delineators
This worksection includes the inspection and maintenance of all types of delineators. These include guideposts, guidepost delineators, safety/rumble bars, raised pavement markers both reflective and non reflective, flaps and guardfence delineators as well as width markers on bridges and culverts.

1675 Road reserve guard fence
This worksection includes the inspection and maintenance of W Beam guardfence. The work will include the inspection, reporting, scheduling and supervising all guardfence repairs. Periodic inspection is required to check alignment, and anchorage and stability of posts. Work shall include the removal and replacement of sections.

1676 Road reserve signs
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of regulatory, warning and standard signs as defined in AS 1742 such as speed limit, advisory speed signs, alignment, and directional hazard indicators. Maintenance of sign supports is included. The maintenance of signs denoting council maintenance segments is included.

1677 Road reserve guide signs
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of street name, advanced direction and directional signs as well as reassurance signs, and other specialised and tourist signs. This activity does not include advance direction and direction signs which refer to an intersection or junction within the contract network but which are positioned on roads or highways not maintained by the council.

1681 Accident repairs (Recoverable)
This worksection covers inspection and appraisal of damage, compilation of details and reporting related to accidents where costs are recoverable.

1682 Road reserve emergency call out
This worksection covers the provision of an effective service which is readily contactable 24 hrs a day, year round and which the public or others may call for assistance.

1683 Storm damage response for road safety
This worksection covers short notice repairs under emergency conditions concerned with making the road safe and limited to activity which could reasonably be undertaken in a 24 hour period. Work includes removal of debris, causing obstruction or damage to the adjacent property, road or roadside furniture. The cause of the storm damage may be due to the action of wind, rain, flood or lightning strike.

1684 Traffic facilities – road traffic control
This worksection covers the provision of traffic control by the contractor to assist the operation of works by others, or where explicit instructions are not provided in other activity specifications. This activity is additional to normal routine maintenance undertaken during the course of the contract.

1691 Road reserve litter collection
This worksection covers all road and roadside litter collection, including removal of dead animals, and emptying of litter bins at designated locations. It includes the proper disposal of the litter clear of the road reserve and the provision of plastic bag liners to all litter bins.

1692 Removal of graffiti visible from roads
This worksection includes the identification and removal of any graffiti on council property that is visible to the public from roads.

1701 Wharves and decks maintenance
This activity covers the inspection and maintenance (including painting/oiling) of wharves and decks, including jetties, fishing and viewing decks, boardwalks, mangrove walkways, lookouts and similar structures to ensure that they continue to provide the function for which they were installed. It includes structures that are situated in water or on land.

1841 Water supply – irrigation systems
This worksection covers the maintenance of irrigation systems equipment in public parks, sportsgrounds, gardens and recreation areas.

1851 Clear open space drains
This worksection covers all unlined open drains, catch drains, spoon drains, table drains and waterways in parks and recreation areas. Low flow channels, table drains and catch drains, if grassed are to be mowed during the mowing program. Table drains are to be graded as required to remove obstructions. Watercourses may require maintenance to remove or control silt or scour.

1852 Clear open space drainage culverts
This worksection covers the clearing of all stormwater drainage structures located in parks or recreation areas including the public car parking areas. These include all types, such as extended kerb inlets with or without grate, side entry pits and gully pits, connections from inlets to the main drain, culverts and energy dissipators.

1853 Clear road reserve culverts and pits
This worksection covers the clearing of all stormwater drainage structures whether located in the road network, in public car parking areas, drainage easements or parks. These include all types, such as extended kerb inlets with or without grate, side entry pits and gully pits, connections from inlets to the main drain, culverts and energy dissipators as well as bridge drainage scuppers and bridge expansion joints.

1854 Minor repair of lined drains in road reserves
This worksection covers the inspection, repair and maintenance of all lined drains. These include concrete, stone pitched drains, drains permanently protected by geotextile or similar material and drains lined with galvanized corrugated iron units. Work includes repair of scour or subsidence as well as the clearing of siltation or vegetation effecting the efficiency of the drain.