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AUS-SPEC Case Studies and Technical Resources

This is the second and newest edition of AUS-SPEC’s case study brochure. The development of the AUS-SPEC specification system for management of local government assets is examined through case studies. It includes projects from the Mid North Coast Regional Organisation of Councils, Penrith City Council, Liverpool City Council and MidCoast Council. Also included are technical articles to assist the use of AUS-SPEC specifications.


AUS-SPEC The Necessity of Local Government Specification

This brochure highlights the issue of road authorities’ duty of care to road users. It gives examples of different Council approaches to infrastructure maintenance and includes case studies of Councils which have used the AUS-SPEC specification system to improve maintenance of their assets.

TECHguide TG 101 Guidelines for compiling documentation for contracts
This TECHguide describes the procedures for developing and compiling documentation using the AUS-SPEC system for contracts.

TECHguide TG 102 Guidelines for Principals – standard contracts
This TECHguide describes procedures for the production and management of comprehensive documentation for standard contracts. It addresses the contracting process, the compilation of contract documents and the tender process.

TECHguide TG 103 Guidelines for Principals – period supply and service contracts
This TECHguide describes the documentation procedures for period supply and service contracts for the supply of materials and services required for local government.

TG 104 Guidelines for Principals – Sample documents
This TECHguide includes three sample documents to demonstrate tendering and contract documentation for different types of projects using the AUS-SPEC Local Government specification system.

TECHreport TR 01 Specifying ESD
This TECHreport outlines the principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) and their application to building specifications. ESD-related items included in NATSPEC worksections are listed and cross referenced to BCA and Green Star requirements.

TECHreport TR 02 Information classification systems
This TECHreport provides an overview of the use of classification systems for organising construction information for various purposes.

TECHreport TR 03 Specifying Design and Construct for Mechanical services
This NATSPEC TECHreport outlines how NATSPEC may be used to prepare Design and Construct mechanical specifications. It discusses some of the issues and presents a range of approaches for preparing these specifications. It does not address the suitability.

TECHreport TR 04 NATSPEC for refurbishment, retrofitting and adaptive reuse
This TECHreport outlines how the NATSPEC specification system may be used for refurbishment, retrofit and adaptive re-use projects. Key upgrade options are summarised and refurbishment related items in NATSPEC worksections are highlighted.

TECHreport TR 06 Procurement Past and present
Outlines the major procurement systems used in the construction industry today, and how procurement has evolved from past methods.

TECHnote GEN 009 Hold points and witness points
Defines hold points and witness points and explains their contractual implications in the context of both NATSPEC and AUS-SPEC worksections.

TECHnote GEN 017 Using AUS-SPEC for asset management
Provides guidance on using the AUS-SPEC specification system for asset management.

TECHnote GEN 018 Using AUS-SPEC for asset maintenance
Aims to describe the philosophy and components of the AUS-SPEC maintenance system for urban and open spaces, buildings and facilities, roadways, bridges and public utilities.

TECHnote GEN 019 Using AUS-SPEC for contract documentation
Provides an overview on using AUS-SPEC for standard and period supply and service contract documentation for the life cycle management of assets.

TECHnote GEN 022 Using AUS-SPEC for asset delivery
Describes the benefits of using AUS-SPEC in providing a documentation system for the delivery of assets, to meet essential services required by the community.

TECHnote GEN 029 Design and specification guidance text in NATSPEC
Discusses how NATSPEC worksection Templates include guidance in the form of ‘hidden’ Guidance text to help specifiers select the most appropriate worksections and edit Template content to create a project specification.

TECHguide TG 201 Development and subdivision of land – Highlighted
This TECHguide is applicable to the design requirements and planning approval process for development and subdivision of land within a Council area.


TECHguide TG 401 Guide to parks and open space maintenance system and documentation
This TECHguide sets out the procedure for the compilation of documentation for the maintenance of parks and open spaces, including recreation areas.

This guide sets out a checklist of contractual issues to consider and address with the Council’s adopted General conditions of contract. Read in conjunction TG401 Guide to parks and open space maintenance system and documentation.
This TECHguide sets out the procedure for the compilation of documentation for the maintenance of buildings and facilities.
This guide sets out a checklist of contractual issues to consider and address with the Council’s adopted General conditions of contract. Read in conjunction with TG 403 Guide to buildings and facilities maintenance system and documentation.
This TECHreport outlines the basic principles of providing access for maintenance, current requirements in Australian legislation and standards, and, good practice.

AUS-SPEC Project – Use of recycled materials for roadworks additional information
AUS-SPEC has worked with Office of Projects Victoria (OPV), Sustainability Victoria, IPWEA Victoria, IPWEA NSW, SSROC, WSROC, EPA NSW and CCF on the Recycled materials for Roadworks project and produced the various Project reports and the TECHnote Specifying recycled materials for roadworks using AUS-SPEC.

The smart street recycling article was published in the IPWEA inspire magazine and in the ALGA newsletter

Recycled Material for Road Works Phase 1
To assist Local Government in achieving sustainability in road design, Office of Projects Victoria, NATSPEC, Sustainability Victoria, IPWEA Victoria, and the Civil Contractors Federation are participating in an initiative to review engineering standards to increase the use of recycled materials in the construction of our local roads. In turn, this will reduce the amount of recycled materials being diverted to landfill.

The first phase of the initiative is now complete and the Project Report highlighting opportunities nationally for engineering standards reform, with a larger opportunity for Local Councils to share knowledge with one another.

A TECHnote is available here which provides guidance on specifying the use of recycled materials in road construction using AUS-SPEC.

NATSPEC Media Release

Recycled materials for road works Phase 2 – Victoria
Phase 2 of the Project involved a Recovered resources and recycled content in roads construction survey for Councils in Victoria conducted by NATSPEC, Institute of Public Works Engineering Victoria, the Civil Contractors Federation, Sustainability Victoria and the Office of Projects Victoria. The objective of this initiative is to increase collaboration, drive the uptake of circular economy principles, and significantly reduce recyclables being diverted to landfill.

The summary of responses from the Phase 2 survey are now available in a Project report – Use of recycled materials for local roads in Victoria. This report identifies barriers for adoption of recycled materials for local roads and opportunities of using recycled content for new roads, road maintenance and replacement, based on the Council responses received from Victoria. The Project report is available here.

TECHnote GEN 028 Specifying recycled materials for roadworks using AUS-SPEC
To assist local road authorities implement the use of recycled materials by including it in their policies, construction specifications and approval processes.

TfNSW New Recycled crushed glass in asphalt guidelines
We are proud to be involved in the recent release of the New Recycled crushed glass in asphalt guidelines released by NSW Government to encourage the use of recycled crushed glass for infrastructure projects. It also cites the relevant AUS-SPEC documents that can be used for local government projects. More information is available at and the guide can be downloaded from More information is available in these articles, and More news is available at and

LGNSW and University of Sydney: In September 2020, LGNSW and University of Sydney released the Recycled materials in roads and pavements – A guide for local councils and the Recycled materials in roads and pavements – A Technical review, this is a summary document of the guide. This document aims to give council engineers an overview of the issues for consideration when using recycled materials by putting together the latest research findings and relevant specs etc. AUS-SPEC participated in the review of these publications and the relevant documents are now cited in these publications. A news article on the release of these publications was published and is available here

TECHguide TG 405 Guide to road reserve maintenance system and documentation
This TECHguide sets out the procedure for the compilation of documentation for the maintenance of road reserves.

This guide provides a supplementary set of issues as a checklist to enable each council to consider the individual issues in light of the provisions within council’s adopted General Conditions of contract.

This TECHreport can be used by Councils who operate licensed gravel pits to comply with their duty of care and be compliant with the legal framework required by the State Governments.

TECHnote DES 034 Pavement stabilisation for unsealed roads
Discusses testing of duct systems to AS 4254.2 to reduce energy consumption and improve the quality of the service delivered.

TECHnote DES 035 Unsealed roads improvement and stabilisation
Preservation of existing unsealed gravel roads can be an economical and effective alternative to: · Frequent grading maintenance intervention. · Frequent gravel resheeting. · Full construction of a sealed road.

TECHnote DES 036 Need for subsurface drainage on local roads
The objective of this TECHnote is to assist road owners identify the need for subsurface drainage. It further discusses the various options of providing subsurface drainage types on local roads.

TECHnote GEN 09 Hold points and witness points
Defines hold points and witness points and explains their contractual implications in the context of both NATSPEC and AUS-SPEC worksections.

TECHnote GEN 017 Using AUS-SPEC for asset management
Provides guidance on using the AUS-SPEC specification system for asset management.

TECHnote GEN 018 Using AUS-SPEC for asset maintenance
Aims to describe the philosophy and components of the AUS-SPEC maintenance system for urban and open spaces, buildings and facilities, roadways, bridges and public utilities.

TECHnote GEN 019 Using AUS-SPEC for contract documentation
Provides an overview on using AUS-SPEC for standard and period supply and service contract documentation for the life cycle management of assets.

TECHnote GEN 023 Using AUS-SPEC for management of unsealed roads
Provides guidance on using the AUS-SPEC specification system for the design, construction and maintenance of unsealed roads.

TECHnote GEN 025 Sprayed preservation surfacing treatment
Assists road owners in determining the most appropriate sprayed preservation surfacing.

TECHnote GEN 026 Otta seal – A different approach for road sealing
Aims to assist road owners to understand the feasibility of using Otta seal for low traffic volume unsealed gravel roads.

TECHnote GEN 027 Maintenance of unsealed roads
Aims to assist local road authorities to maintain low volume unsealed gravel roads.

TECHnote GEN 028 Specifying recycled materials for roadworks using AUS-SPEC
To assist local road authorities implement the use of recycled materials by including it in their policies, construction specifications and approval processes.

TECHnote DES 024 Water sensitive urban design (WSUD)
Outlines the objectives and application of water sensitive urban design principles and suggests where they can be implemented in AUS-SPEC.

TECHnote DES 036 Need for subsurface drainage on local roads
The objective of this TECHnote is to assist road owners identify the need for subsurface drainage. It further discusses the various options of providing subsurface drainage types on local roads.

TECHnote GEN 09 Hold points and witness points
Defines hold points and witness points and explains their contractual implications in the context of both NATSPEC and AUS-SPEC worksections.

TECHguide TG 401 Guide to parks and open space maintenance system and documentation
This TECHguide sets out the procedure for the compilation of documentation for the maintenance of parks and open spaces, including recreation areas.

TECHguide TG 402 Guide to asset delivery – parks and open space maintenance
This guide sets out a checklist of contractual issues to consider and address with the Council’s adopted General conditions of contract. Read in conjunction TG401 Guide to parks and open space maintenance system and documentation.

This TECHguide sets out the procedure for the compilation of documentation for the maintenance of buildings and facilities.
This guide sets out a checklist of contractual issues to consider and address with the Council’s adopted General conditions of contract. Read in conjunction with TG 403 Guide to buildings and facilities maintenance system and documentation.
This TECHguide sets out the procedure for the compilation of documentation for the maintenance of road reserves.
This guide provides a supplementary set of issues as a checklist to enable each council to consider the individual issues in light of the provisions within council’s adopted General Conditions of contract.

TECHreport TR 07 Providing access for maintenance
This TECHreport outlines the basic principles of providing access for maintenance, current requirements in Australian legislation and standards, and, good practice.

TECHnote GEN 09 Hold points and witness points
Defines hold points and witness points and explains their contractual implications in the context of both NATSPEC and AUS-SPEC worksections.

TECHnote GEN 017 Using AUS-SPEC for asset management
Provides guidance on using the AUS-SPEC specification system for asset management.

TECHnote GEN 018 Using AUS-SPEC for asset maintenance
Aims to describe the philosophy and components of the AUS-SPEC maintenance system for urban and open spaces, buildings and facilities, roadways, bridges and public utilities.

TECHnote GEN 019 Using AUS-SPEC for contract documentation
Provides an overview on using AUS-SPEC for standard and period supply and service contract documentation for the life cycle management of assets.

TECHnote GEN 023 Using AUS-SPEC for management of unsealed roads
Provides guidance on using the AUS-SPEC specification system for the design, construction and maintenance of unsealed roads.

TECHnote GEN 025 Sprayed preservation surfacing treatment
Assists road owners in determining the most appropriate sprayed preservation surfacing.

TECHnote GEN 026 Otta seal – A different approach for road sealing
Aims to assist road owners to understand the feasibility of using Otta seal for low traffic volume unsealed gravel roads.

TECHnote GEN 027 Maintenance of unsealed roads
Aims to assist local road authorities to maintain low volume unsealed gravel roads.